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Public Speaking

As a professor in undergraduate and graduate education, Judy has been speaking to audiences large and small for decades. She has presented keynote addresses at conferences such as the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organization, the Society for Research in Adult Development, and the Meyers and Briggs Foundation. She now works for Hospice of Santa Barbara and Fielding Graduate University as a public speaker, and offers such topics as “How to start a conversation about death and dying,” “Stages or styles? How people cope with dying and bereavement,” and “How to become a Dharma friend, sitting with a dying person.”

I am passionate about positive adult development in both the individual and the group. I offer workshops on the Meyers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator, Building Team-Work and Communication across Boundaries,” “Group Decision-making,” and “Conflict Management.”

In my work, I synthesize research, experience, and common sense to support positive development in adult thinking, feeling, and action. My methods include lecture, story-telling, and hands-on experiential exercises to address various learning styles in adulthood. I like to sit with my clients and determine the best way to reach the audience they represent on the kinds of problems they face.


I have worked as a coach, a facilitator, and an evaluator in a wide variety of settings with individuals and organizations. I am have experience in curriculum and program design, workshop construction, and process consulting. My focus is always on improving understanding and communication between individuals, across groups, and throughout organizations. I do this by coming to understand what ideas individuals bring to the table, concerns they have, and what they hope to accomplish. I believe that the integration of competing ideas can bring fresh vigor to groups and organizations and that examination of personal goals and barriers can promote individual development.

Research & Publications

Recent Published Work

Books and Handbooks

Stevens-Long, J, & Bardell, D. (2018) Living Well/Dying Well. Santa Barbara, Ca.: Fielding University Press.

Stevens-Long, J. (2011).  The prism Self Revisited: The matter of integrity.  In A Pfaffenberger, P. Marko & A. Combs

         (Eds.) The Postconvetional Personality: Perspectives on Higher Development, pp. 221-232.  N.Y.: Suny.


Stevens-Long, J. & Barner, R.  (2011) Advanced Avenues in Adult Development and Learning.  In C. Hoare (Ed.) The             Oxford Handbook of reciprocal adult learning learning (2nd ed.), pp. 490-509. New York: Oxford Press.

Stevens-Long, J. & McClintock, C. (2008)  Co-presence and Group Process in Online Management education.  In R.

         deFillippi & C. Wankel (Eds.) Management Education For a Lifetime :  The Challenges of Life Long Learning in

         Management Education and Development. Greenwich, Conn.:  Information Age Publishing.

Stevens-Long, J. & Michaud, G. (2003) Theory in adult development. In J.Demick & C. Andreoletti, C. (Eds.), pp. 3-

         22. Handbook of Adult Development. New York: Klewer.

Stevens-Long, J. (2000) The prism self: multiplicity on the path to transcendence. In Young-Eisendrath, P. & Miller, M.E.

         The Psychology of Mature Sprituality: Integrity, Wisdom, Transcendence, pp. 160-174. Philadelphia, Pa.:



Recent Journal articles and referred publications


Stevens-Long, J. & Paige, S. Adulthood. Oxford Press Bibliographies in Psychology. 

Stevens-Long, J. & Lewis, M. (2013).  Adulthood.  Oxford Press Bibliographies in Psychology.

Stevens-Long, J., Schapiro, S.A. & McClintock. C. (2012). Passionate scholars:  assessing outcomes in doctoral

        education.  Adult Education Quarterly:  A Journal of research and theory, 62 (2), 182-198.

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Judith Stevens-Long earned her Bachelor of Arts, Masters and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles where she attended the doctoral program as a scholar funded by the United States Public Health Service.





Dr. Long has served as a full professor at California State University, Los Angeles (1975-1990) and the University of Washington (1991-1993) where she helped found the first branch of UW at Tacoma.  She was appointed Associate Dean of the School of Human and Organizational Development at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara (1993-2008) and now serves Fielding as adjunct professor of Human Development after being awarded status as an emerita. As the director of the first online degree program in the country, she led the Master’s of Organization Design and Effectiveness at Fielding from 1995-2000.  She also developed Fielding’s continuing education efforts for the School of Human and Organizational Development and was faculty lead for the most recent WASC accreditation process. She has held the Malcolm Knowles Chair in Adult Learning at Fielding Graduate University.

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